Have a position to fill?
Our specialty is finding the BEST TALENT for your company. You can count on THE OFFICE PROFESSIONALS to find the right people for your job. we are in the marketplace 365 days a year. We have developed a network capability that provides us with resources that enable us to assist clients with a high degree of professionalism and expertise.
Our TOP performance record is the foundation of our name, and reflects our promise to you of delivering the TOP candidates for all of your staffing needs.
THE OFFICE PROFESSIONALS will provide clients with quality service and a choice of the finest candidates available. We price our service competitively. We treat our candidates with respect. We will not base our recruitment or placement of candidates based on age, race, color, religion, sex, marital status or national origin. Our candidates will be referred based on qualifications consistent with our clients' needs.
We provide options of employment relationships
Direct Hire
Long-term & Short-term Projects
Temp to Hire
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